My L.L. Bean Dog
*Feel free to skip the writing and go right to the photos, I get it*
Full disclosure, Svein is not an L.L. Bean model but every time we get a new catalog, we'll leaf through it and say, "that could've been you, Svein. Too bad you missed the callback when you were a pup." While being incredibly good-looking, and told that constantly, Svein is still the every-dog with his struggles and quirks. For instance, if I throw the ball for him in the snow, he is terrible at finding it even if he saw where it fell (top photo here was when he found the ball after a 10-minute search...). He also gets his lip caught on his teeth fairly often and looks like a complete doof. And, during the winter, he regularly immerses his head in piles of snow for unknown reasons (smells? Idk). His hobbies include coming up from behind people and jamming his head in between their legs in hopes of a chin scratch, looking hopeful whenever food is around, and deciding to roll onto his back, right to the middle of the bed every night, without fail (why should I have room for my whole body to fit on my bed? Who am I? The Queen of England??). That being said, Svein is also gentle with children, has been a great source of comfort through some rough times, and is the best running buddy. So L.L. Bean dog official or not, he's more than deserving of my obsession with him and worthy of the Instagram account I will inevitably create for his many fans.
Winter Storm Svein
Spring Svein
Casual Spring Snow Svein
Lake Svein
Snowshoe Buddy Svein
Beach Svein
Rocky Maine Coast Svein
XC Ski Buddy Svein
Maine Model Svein
Fall Model Svein
Puppy Svein (he still chooses to sit on my lap this way from time to time). Photo by J.H.