In n' Out of Taipei

First, let me say, from my experience, that the Taiwanese people are some of the most friendly and helpful people I've encountered thus far on this trip. If you ask someone for directions or point to map of where you want to go, they will help you! And there's a good chance they may even walk with you to that place to make sure you get there okay! In-credible.

During my last week in Taiwan, I visited the Treasure Hill Artist Village (to get lost and then see some street art), Yehliu Geological Park (to be trampled by the unruly tourists) and a few towns along the Pingxi railway line (to watch a hundred prayer lanterns be launched by families, couples and a bunch of ladies groups who were THRILLED to send up their lanterns and then spent five minutes afterwards jumping, clapping and hugging - life is exciting, people).

Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan

Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan

Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan

Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan

Yehliu Geological Park, Taiwan

Yehliu Geological Park, Taiwan

Yehliu Geological Park, Taiwan

Yehliu Geological Park, Taiwan

Zhongpu Bridge (Lover Bridge), Pingxi, Pingxi Distict, Taiwan

Zhongpu Bridge (Lover Bridge), Pingxi, Pingxi Distict, Taiwan

Shifen Old Street, Pingxi Distict, Taiwan

Shifen Old Street, Pingxi Distict, Taiwan

So Many Night Markets, So Little Time

Here are a few things I really like about Taiwan so far:

1. There are statues like the one in the first photo. This has led me to believe that Taiwan has totally embraced the technology-loving, selfie-taking, peace-sign wielding culture and to prove it they erected a monument. Amazing. P.S. all of the metro stations have free wifi.

2. Night markets galore. You can find just about anything you need and many things you didn't know you needed. From technology (yeah, I bought one of those mini lenses that clips onto your iPhone for $5 - watch out Instagram!), to clothes with some of the finest Chinglish, to incredible street food where you get one red bean cake and then return 20 minutes later to get two more and you end up taking a selfie with the stand's presider (hey, Ariel, catch ya on Facebook!), Taipei has THE best night markets.

3. Cassette tapes are readily available. I recently watched a video of an 8 year old trying to figure out how to use a cassette tape player and after it was over I took a hard look at my 25 year old self and marveled at how far we've come with technology. I also questioned if we are teaching the youth the important things (shouldn't we all still know the joy that is clipping your cassette player to your belt and cruising down the driveway on your rollerblades before running inside to watch Full House?). Yet another reminder that the 90's were a magical time.

Speaking of magic.... Taipei, Taiwan

Speaking of magic.... Taipei, Taiwan

Taipei, Taiwan

Taipei, Taiwan

Shida Night Market, part 1Taipei, Taiwan

Shida Night Market, part 1

Taipei, Taiwan

Shilin Night Market, Taipei, Taiwan

Shilin Night Market, Taipei, Taiwan

Shida Night Market, part 2 (photo credit: K. Walter)Taipei, Taiwan

Shida Night Market, part 2 (photo credit: K. Walter)

Taipei, Taiwan

Shilin Night Market, Taipei, Taiwan

Shilin Night Market, Taipei, Taiwan